How to give an antique patina to your metal objects with a antiquing fluid?

To give an antique patina to your metal objects with a burnishing product, follow these simple steps:

Surface preparation:

Before applying a burnishing product to give an antique patina to your metal objects, proper preparation of the surface is essential to guarantee optimal results. Make sure the metal surface is free of any dirt, rust or other residue that could compromise the adhesion of the burnisher and the final appearance of the patina. If necessary, clean the surface with a mild degreaser and warm water, using a non-abrasive brush or cloth to remove any dirt or grease. Be sure to rinse the metal thoroughly to remove any detergent residue, as this may interfere with the action of the burnisher. Once cleaned, be sure to dry the metal surface completely before applying the burnishing product, as any residual moisture could affect the effectiveness of the patination process. By doing this, you effectively prepare the surface of the metal, allowing the burnisher to apply evenly and create an authentic and attractive antique patina.

Application of the burnisher:

When you apply a burnisher to give an antique patina to your metal objects, it is essential to carefully follow the instructions provided with the chosen product. These instructions may vary depending on the specific type of burnisher you are using and the manufacturer's recommendations for best results. Typically, you will use a brush, sponge, or cloth to apply the burnisher to the metal surface. Make sure to shake the product well before applying it to mix all its components evenly. When applying, be sure to distribute the burnisher evenly over the entire surface of the metal object, avoiding excessive buildup or thinner areas. Work methodically to ensure that each part of the object receives an equal coat of burnisher. If necessary, apply several thin coats rather than one thick coat to achieve a more controlled and even result. By following these instructions and applying the burnisher carefully and evenly, you maximize your chances of achieving an attractive, long-lasting antique patina on your metal objects.

Reaction time:

Reaction time when applying a burnishing product to metal objects is crucial to achieving the desired effect. This reaction time may vary depending on the type of browning product used, environmental conditions and the desired final effect. The specific instructions that come with the burnisher will usually tell you the recommended time to let the product work on the metal surface. However, it is important to note that this time can be adjusted depending on your aesthetic preferences. During the process, carefully monitor the changing color of the metal to determine if the reaction time is adequate. If you want a lighter patina, you can remove the burnisher sooner. Conversely, if you want a more pronounced patina, you can leave the burnisher on for longer. Continuous observation of the evolution of the color will allow you to judge the ideal moment to stop the process and achieve the desired antique effect. By adjusting the reaction time according to your personal preferences, you can customize the end result to perfectly match your expectations.

Wiping and finishing:

Once the recommended burnisher reaction time has elapsed, the next step is to gently wipe excess product from the metal surface using a clean, dry cloth. This step is crucial to removing any excess burnisher buildup and revealing the desired antique patina. If you want a more subtle patina or want to adjust the intensity of the antique effect, you can also use fine steel wool or fine-grit sandpaper to lightly rub the surface of the metal. This helps to tone down the patina slightly and create variations in color and texture, depending on your aesthetic preferences. Finally, to protect the patina and metal against future wear and damage, it is recommended to apply a transparent protective varnish. This varnish will help seal the patina, preserve its antique appearance and protect the metal from external elements such as moisture, dust and scratches. By following these steps, you can achieve a durable and aesthetically pleasing end result for your metal objects with an antique patina.


Once you have applied the burnishing product and completed all the necessary steps to achieve the desired antique patina on your metal object, it is crucial to allow adequate drying time. Complete drying allows the burnisher to set and harden, ensuring longevity and stability of the patina. It is important to follow the specific instructions provided by the burnisher manufacturer to determine the recommended drying time. This duration may vary depending on various factors such as ambient temperature, humidity and the type of product used. During the drying process, avoid handling or moving the object, as this could disrupt the formation of the patina and compromise the final result. Also be sure to place the item in a well-ventilated area to promote even drying and prevent moisture buildup. Once the item is completely dry according to the manufacturer's instructions, you can safely handle it or store it with peace of mind, knowing that the antique patina is securely attached and ready to be admired.